Saving money on tax is quite literally of
the utmost importance in today’s day and age and fortunately enough, there are
a large number of instruments that can help do just that. An ever-increasing
number of people, nowadays, are investing in instruments or tools that assist
them in enhancing their savings. If you so wish to start investing for the
purpose of saving on taxes, below is a list of such tax-saving investments:
Provident Fund
Investing in Public Provident Funds can
draw maximum tax savings with complete safety as there is ample of ease and
flexibility in PPF accounts. Almost every major bank provides this facility to
its customers and the interest paid on PPF accounts is tax free. PPF accounts
can be opened for tenures of up to 15 years. PPF ranks number one among the
safest investment selection an Indian investor can make. It is because the
funds invested remain with the government itself and the security against which
it is benchmarked is the 10-Year Government Bond.
Provident Fund (EPF)
It is mandatory for employers to subtract
12% off their employees’ salaries for contributing to the employee’s EPF
account. The same contribution is made by the employer himself and the
investment is entitled for tax deduction. The money invested in EPF can be
above the prescribed 12% and the excess amount invested into PPF is also non-taxable.
Transferring an EPF from one job is quite simple. You just have to withdraw the
EPF after leaving a job.
The money invested in PPF will be locked
until the investor retires. The overall amount invested in PPF can be withdrawn
by the investor also if he / she has been unemployed for at least two months. EPF
is quite high on the list of the safest investment choices because the case is
similar to that of the PPF, in which the funds remain with the Indian
government, hence making it safer for reluctant investors.
Saving Fixed Deposit
As in the case with other fixed deposits,
the interest rate applicable to Tax
Saving Investments Fixed Deposits is the same. However, investors are
not able to withdraw their funds for a minimum of five years or before the
maturity of the scheme. Good news is that the interest earned on Tax Saving
Fixed Deposits is completely tax free, which ensures that the customers enjoy
maximum benefits.
Pension Scheme
The National Pension Scheme has the probability
to ensure a safe and secure retired life in addition to executing tax savings.
Investments made in the National Pension Scheme can be claimed as deductions
under Section 80C of the Indian Income Tax Act. However, investors can only
access the funds after they have retired from professional life.
Saving Certificates
National Saving Certificates (NSCs) are very
much similar to Tax Saving Fixed Deposit. The key difference being that the
returns received from NSCs are lower than that provided by Bank Fixed
Deposits. Even so, they are regarded as safer options in comparison to fixed
deposits because the funds are under the custody of the Indian government. Tax
benefits are also be available with National Saving Certificates under Section
80C of the Income Tax Act.
Now this is most obvious because saving on
tax is relatively easy thanks to Term Insurance schemes. While investors in
term insurance policies cannot gain any youth amounts, the future of the
policyholder’s family will be secured in his unfortunate death, owing to the
life cover provided by the policy. Additionally, these policies are appreciably
cheaper than most other life
insurance policy, making them a reasonably decent option for tax saving
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